As with acupuncture acupressure involves stimulating pressure points near the body s meridian or energy lines to allow chi qi or energy to flow freely.
Acupuncture pressure mat.
Basically an acupressure mat is a device that allows you to reap the benefits of acupressure on your own without a therapist.
Mat spikes can pierce the skin especially when the mats are used incorrectly.
If acupuncture is puncturing pressure points with fine needles then acupressure is applying pressure non invasively.
Acupressure mat manufacturers claim.
To avoid wounds or infection don t use an acupressure mat if you have thin skin diabetes or poor circulation.
With 191 million opioid prescriptions dispensed in 2017 and the us government declaring it a public health emergency anything that can help manage pain in a natural way is sure to be desirable.
The mats are made of foam fabric or most often a layer of both and studded with hard round plastic rosettes liberally covered with short spikes.
The pressure of the pinpoints also help release endorphins and oxytocin which make you feel good so using the mat can also help boost your mood.
One of the key benefits of an acupressure mat is that it s a natural form of pain relief.