Since the circuit playground express uses an atsamd21 chip running at 48 mhz you can pretty easily get it working with the arduino ide.
Adafruit circuit playground express arduino.
Adafruit industries unique fun diy electronics and kits circuit playground express id.
New in circuit playground express we have added a new storage chip called spi flash.
The circuit playground classic is natively supported in the arduino ide so its really easy to set up.
A blocks javascript code editor for the adafruit circuit playground express.
This is a very very small disk drive only 2 mb large.
We ve taken the original circuit playground classic and made it even better.
Capacitive touch ir proximity temperature light motion.
Not only did we pack even more sensors in we also made it even easier to program start your journey with microsoft.
Most libraries including the popular ones like neopixels and display will work with the m0 especially devices sensors that use i2c or spi.
Arduino boards are able to read inputs light on a sensor a finger on a button or a twitter message and turn it into an output activating a motor turning on an led publishing something online.
3333 circuit playground express is the next step towards a perfect introduction to electronics and programming.
Circuit playground express advanced pack.
From beginners to experts circuit playground express has something for everyone.
In circuitpython this is where all your code lives and what you see when you use the circuitpy drive on your computer.
Fritzing files in adafruit fritzing library.
It has a powerful processor 10 neopixels mini speaker infrared receive and transmit two buttons a switch 14 alligator clip pads and lots of sensors.
Pighixxx circuit playground express pinout diagram pdf circuit playground express arduino demo uf2 copy this to cplayboot circuit playground express circuitpython demo zip updated for compatibility with circuitpython 3 x libraries.
Because you can program the same board in 3 different ways the express has great value and re usability.
You can tell your board what to do by sending a set of instructions to the microcontroller on the board.
Adafruit circuit playground express.
As you progress you can advance to using arduino ide which has full support of all the hardware down to the low level so you can make powerful projects.
Circuit playground express base kit.
Circuit playground express is the newest and best circuit playground board with support for makecode circuitpython and arduino.
Download latest arduino ide download the latest arduino ide version 1 8 5 or greater is required.
With the built in circuit playground hardware the arduino library it s super easy.