Call me crazy but my pets have successively became me i ll and have a weird eye thing almost exactly one month after using frontline naturals for cats and frontline plus for dogs cats both have lethargy and pulled up inner eye lids bad gas and really grumpy.
Advantage flea and tick for cats side effects.
Flea and tick medicine poisoning can be fatal if it is not treated by a veterinarian.
If your pet exhibits any symptoms of an adverse side effect to advantage flea treatment you should wash him with a mild shampoo and pour large amounts of warm water over him to wash out the medication.
The effects range from mild to severe depending on the amount of exposure and condition of your cat.
As cat parents we all want to take care of.
Advantage is the best flea treatment with bundle of benefits.
Advantage flea treatment is known to be safe for cats.
Advantage ii cat flea treatment is dangerous.
Apart from these side effects if you take proper care of your dogs there is no danger of using advantage on your pet.
I used the product on my cat properly for the correct weight small cat first application in 5 yrs indoor cat no dogs in house to also lick applied on back of neck was healthy cat seperated from other 2 cats till dry.
Has your cat been exposed to these substances.
Has your cat been around other animals that have been treated.
This flea season is one of the worst in recent history and traditional cat flea treatments are flying off the shelves.
How much and when.
Common sense tells you that using something that essentially poisons a flea may cause some undesirable side effects to the cat.
Causes of a reaction include.
Flea and tick pills made using isoxazoline can cause neurological problems in cats and dogs the fda says and labels need to warn of the risks more clearly.
Vomiting isn t a common side effect to advantage but if your cat continues to vomit it would be a good idea to have them seen by a veterinarian.
However some cats may develop a reaction to the active ingredient.
Side effects of advantage flea treatment.