2020 07 28 rated 5 out of 5 by deek heppy from great product purchased to repair damage to a bath followed the instructions to to the letter and am very pleased with result.
Acrylic bath repair kit b q.
Rated 5 out of 5 by gulfam from bath tub repair one need to be patient it really works wonder good stuff.
To repair a cracked bath wherever possible approach the job from the underside or back.
Cooke lewis acrylic left handed p shaped walk in shower bath l 1675mm w 850mm product code 3663602111627 product rating 0 out of 5 stars 0 20 off bathroom furniture toilets basins and baths.
I had a crack on the side of my bath which was only noticable if you knew it was there.
So no matter what your diy ability is buying our kit is the right choice for you simply because it is value for money.
Don t buy this kit if you have an acrylic bath.
The best tub repair kit is one that will give you everything you need to complete a small to medium repair in no time.
Repairing a cracked bath.
It should also be easy to use and store when you are done.
Premium acrylic bath repair kit inc putty repairs cracks splits leaking damages in baths shower trays colour matched european white.
Bath shower sink repair kit white fix filler chips ceramic enamel acrylic c.
In today s busy world no one wants a bathroom to be out of action.
Why pay to replace your damaged bath or shower tray when you can buy the acrylic bath repair kit which will instantly save you money time hassle and mess.
I was fooled by the picture on the front of the box which shows a perfect finish so i bought this very expensive product to try to fix it.
3 9 out of 5 stars 43 44 99 44.
We know of several products on the market that are capable of doing the job but be aware that they may not work on all baths especially some plastic ones as once a plastic acrylic bath is cracked much of the integral strength is lost especially if the crack.
Rated 1 out of 5 by angryofgmc from it doesn t do what it says on the tin.
The rust oleum 7860519 hits all of these marks by providing a reliable easy to mix apply epoxy that can cover up to 110 square feet from one kit.